Saturday, February 21, 2009

Woo Hoo!

Feel great and celebrate your role as a wife

Spicy Wifey's belief is that being a wife is HOT!
Its also HARD!
Especially if you are investing the time and energy required to do it well. Juggling our relationships, careers and household duties can consume our daily lives.
We work hard to achieve success in those areas and often forget to work equally as hard on ourselves. Occasionally you will have to redirect your focus on YOU. Know that is not selfish to do so. In fact, it can have the opposite effect!

Presenting the best YOU to your spouse, family and the workplace is actually quite self-less and will yield better results. What you present outwardly is a reflection of whats going on inwardly. That translates into feeling good about you and being healthy. Spicy Wifey wants to empower you to invigorate your relationships and yourself.

- Silence negative voices. Don't obsess on areas in your life where you seek improvement. Your dismal perception can create negative emotions and trigger stress. Both can have a negative impact on your health and appearance. Remember to give yourself credit for things that you do well! Life is a work in progress.

- Have positive self talks regularly. Give yourself a pat on the back! Positive thinking stimulates good energy flow. Its contagious, motivating and attractive!

- If you desire to revive your marriage or career know that it requires self-revival first.
Give yourself permission to look good and feel good! You deserve to look and feel your best.

- Evolve with change. As we age or as we take on more responsibility, taking care of OUR needs will require a greater effort. Nurturing your relationship with yourself is a daily process. Don't wait for a crisis!

As a show of our commitment to inspire you and offer encouragement, Spicy Wifey will continue to offer Seasoning Sessions that reflect the diverse needs of Wifeys. Look for informative blog posts and guest bloggers that will speak on a variety of topics such as physical & mental health, fitness and style. And of course, we want you to chime in! Please continue to share your thoughts, needs and experiences.

Being a hot Spicy Wifey is a journey that we are taking together!


Anonymous said...

Its Newbie again! Another great post Spicy Wifey... I really like the points you made about not waiting for a crisis to suddenly start paying attention to your needs. And daily talks and pats on the back!

As a newlywed, I am still learning and its great to know I am not on this journey alone.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Today is a very big day in the Where’s Wenda? Contest. I am visiting all of the SITS followers. Can I do it? There are around 1000 followers. Oh my! Better grab my cup of coffee and get on my way. Be sure to visit Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Bay B Chicks as part of your contest entry.
